Small Wonder, the sitcom aired during the late 80's which was re-telecasted on StarVijay 2 or 3 years back is one of my faves. I practically never missed the show in the evenings. For those who already know about this there's no need of description. But.. The sci-fi series is based on situations that arise in daily life of the Lawson family. A brief character info: Vicki Lawson - A robot in the form of a human girl created by Ted Lawson. Jamie Lawson - Only son of Mr. Lawson Ted Lawson - Robotics scientist Joan Lawson - Wife of Ted. Harriet Brindle - A nosy neighbour. And others. You'll be bugged if you watched this now[i.e. late 2000s] due to the outdatedness of it. But that drew me to it. Every episode had a decent plot and a good point to consider for children. The silliness in the series is the high-spot, while the timely background laughter adds humor to it. Tiffany Brissette's[Vicki] expr...