As a youngster you might have had an idea of parenting, like how you would want to raise your future child different from your mother's way of child rearing. But when you fail tremendously in the act and seek your mother's, grandmother's help, you have passed as a modern day parent facing innumerable difficulties bringing up your little munchkin. There is certainly no one particular way of parenting which could be deemed as the best.You must follow a realistic type which suits your own family and lifestyle. Old-fashioned parenting can never be shunned from your entire agenda, because at various situations it actually makes sense, not to mention common sense. Yet, insensible in some ways compared to the contemporary methods. There is no village There is an old saying, “It takes a village to raise a child”, meaning in olden days, it takes a whole community of different people who interact with children in order to raise and make sure your children grow in a ...