If a match is intefered by rain and the result is restrained by it, they calculate a score [which is unlikely] by the Duckworth-Lewis method. But how do they do that? Am I the only one who never understood the Duckworth Lewis method. Okay, I was so vetty that I took pains[:P] to do a petty research about it.[Mostly Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V work]. Who are these complicators? The D/L method was devised by two English statisticians, Frank Duckworth and Tony Lewis. Applying the D/L method The procedure for setting a revised target, which is the same for any number of stoppages at any stage of the match, is as follows. For each team's innings (a) from the table note the resource percentage the team had available at the start of their innings; (b) using the table, calculate the resource percentage lost by each interruption; (c) hence calculate the resource percentage available. If Team 2 have less resources available than Team 1, then calculate the ratio of the resources available to th...